The Great Woman of Shunem
The story of the great woman of Shunem remains one of my favorites in the bible.
She is by all means a very humble and generous woman. At first, and without thinking of nothing in return, she offered Elisha food, not once and not twice. She later went on to make a room available for Prophet Elisha so he could dwell there any time he comes to Shunem.
One day, Elisha said to Gehazi his servant, call the Shunammite woman so that he can bless her for her kindness. Elisha wanted to give her something in return but she made Elisha understand she needed nothing. When she left, Gehazi told Elisha that the great woman and her husband does not have children. So Elisha sent for her again and bless her saying *”at this season, about this time next year, you shall embrace a son”* Of course the woman thought Elisha was joking.
*I declare by the power of the Almighty Jehovah, that your long forgotten need, will become your blessing this year.*
It is possible that you have forgotten that thing, because you have waited and waited. This may have been the story of the great woman. She did not even remember to tell Elisha she would love a child. She was already content with her life.
*You may be happy with your life, but because God knows you can do better, I declare by the power of the Most High that whether you like it or not, God will take you to that best place by teaching you and bringing to your remembrance everything you need to do*
All the Shunammite woman needed to do was to be kind to Elisha.
If you read further in the bible text in 2 Kings 4 : 8 – 37, you will see that at some point the same boy that the great woman gave birth to as Elisha prophesied, died. The woman laid the boy on Elisha’s bed, told the husband *it is well* and went to look for Elisha. Elisha saw her from afar and he sent Gehazi his servant to go meet her and ask if it is well with her household. Gehazi did as instructed but the woman’s response again was *all is well.*
*I declare that whatever the situation, whenever you declare that it is well, so shall it be*.
Again, if we read further, we will see again that God used Elisha to raise the dead boy to life.
I declare that everything that the Lord has given you but the enemy took away for a second, God is restoring them.
Your precious home is restored.
Your job is restored.
Your sanity is restored.
This word of God will save you.
This word of God will redeem you.
Ultimately, every spoken word of God will work for you.
Through Christ our Lord.
I encourage you – do not be weary in doing good.